home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- G4C ;$VER: KILL_EM!!! V1.40 (15.01.2002)
- WinBig -1 -1 320 256 ""
- WinType 00001000
- WinBackGround Solid 1 0
- xOnLoad
- set tbmargins 5/4
- makescreen KILL_EM 320/256/6/0x21000/newtopaz.font/8 "KILL_EM Screen"
- setscreen #this KILL_EM
- movescreen #this 10000 0
- guiopen #this
- setpointer #this hide
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/BACKDROP backdrop *
- changeimage #this 200 -1 -1 backdrop
- cli "sys:prefs/sound $$this.path\DATA/SilentBeep use"
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/BADGUY1 badguy1 *
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/BADGUY2 badguy2 *
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/COP cop *
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/LADY lady *
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/RIP rip *
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/SURPRISE surprise *
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/+500 plus500 *
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/-500 minus500 *
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/TIME+ moretime *
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/TIME- lesstime *
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/RMB rmb noremap
- loadimage $$this.path\GFX/POINTER pointer noremap
- loadsound $$this.path\SFX/Scream.smp scream
- loadsound $$this.path\SFX/Pistol.smp pistol
- loadsound $$this.path\SFX/Ricochet.smp ricochet
- loadsound $$this.path\SFX/EvilLaugh.smp evillaugh
- loadsound $$this.path\SFX/Explosion1.smp explosion
- loadsound $$this.path\SFX/Collect.smp collect
- loadsound $$this.path\SFX/GlassSmash.smp glasssmash
- hiscore = 0
- time = 0
- gosub #this show_title
- delay 25
- setpointer #this #rmb
- xonclose
- guiquit #this
- xonquit
- cli "sys:prefs/sound envarc:sys/sound.prefs use"
- setpointer #this default
- freeimage backdrop
- freeimage badguy1
- freeimage badguy2
- freeimage lady
- freeimage rmb
- freeimage rip
- freeimage cop
- freeimage surprise
- freeimage pointer
- freeimage plus500
- freeimage minus500
- freeimage moretime
- freeimage lesstime
- freesound scream
- freesound pistol
- freesound ricochet
- freesound evillaugh
- freesound explosion
- freesound collect
- freesound glasssmash
- killscreen KILL_EM
- quit
- image 0 0 ""
- gadid 200
- image 94 79 ""
- gadid 1
- xarea 94 79 40 50 none
- if $game != 0
- playsound pistol
- hit = 1
- gosub #this shoot
- endif
- gadid 2
- xonrmb
- if $game != 0
- or $quit != 0
- stop
- endif
- gosub #this clear_title
- playsound evillaugh
- setpointer #this #pointer
- time = 90
- game = 1
- run = 1
- hit = 0
- score = 0
- maxtime = $time
- setgad #this 10 on
- update #this 99 "HiScore: $hiscore - Score: $score - Time: $time secs"
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- gosub #this newpos
- xonclick
- gosub #this missed
- xondoubleclick
- gosub #this missed
- xroutine missed
- if $game = 1
- playsound pistol
- hit = 0
- gosub #this shoot
- playsound ricochet
- endif
- xroutine shoot
- flash
- if $hit = 1
- if $obj = badguy1
- playsound scream
- score = $(($score + $pts) + 25)
- changeimage #this 1 $x $y rip
- elseif $obj = badguy2
- playsound scream
- score == $score + $pts
- changeimage #this 1 $x $y rip
- else
- changeimage #this 1 $x $y $obj
- endif
- if $obj = lady
- playsound scream
- score = 0
- changeimage #this 1 $x $y rip
- elseif $obj = cop
- playsound scream
- changeimage #this 1 $x $y rip
- time = 0
- gosub #this timer
- stop
- endif
- if $obj = plus500
- playsound collect
- score == $score + 500
- endif
- if $obj = minus500
- and $score >= 500
- playsound glasssmash
- score == $score - 500
- elseif $obj = minus500
- and $score >= 500
- playsound glasssmash
- score = 0
- endif
- if $obj = moretime
- and $time <= $($maxtime - 10)
- playsound collect
- time == $time + 10
- score == $score + 250
- elseif $obj = moretime
- and $time > $($maxtime - 10)
- playsound collect
- score == $score + 250
- time = $maxtime
- endif
- if $obj = lesstime
- and $time >= 10
- playsound glasssmash
- time == $time - 10
- elseif $obj = lesstime
- and $time >= 10
- playsound glasssmash
- if $score >= 100
- score == $score - 250
- endif
- time = 0
- endif
- elseif $hit = 0
- and $score >= 100
- score == $score - 100
- elseif $hit = 0
- and $score < 100
- score = 0
- endif
- if $hit = 1
- setgad #this 2 hide
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- delay 10
- setgad #this 1 hide
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- endif
- update #this 99 "HiScore: $hiscore - Score: $score - Time: $time secs"
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- xroutine newpos
- setgad #this 1/2 hide
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- randpos = $$rand.3
- randobj = $$rand.27
- if $randpos = 0
- x = 94
- y = 79
- pts = 100
- elseif $randpos = 1
- x = 12
- y = 185
- pts = 125
- elseif $randpos = 2
- x = 250
- y = 103
- pts = 150
- elseif $randpos = 3
- x = 204
- y = 175
- pts = 175
- endif
- if $randobj <= 10
- obj = badguy1
- elseif $randobj >= 11
- and $randobj < 21
- obj = badguy2
- elseif $randobj = 22
- obj = plus500
- elseif $randobj = 23
- obj = minus500
- elseif $randobj = 24
- obj = moretime
- elseif $randobj = 25
- obj = lesstime
- elseif $randobj = 26
- obj = lady
- elseif $randobj = 27
- obj = cop
- endif
- if $obj = badguy1
- or $obj = badguy2
- or $obj = lady
- or $obj = cop
- changeimage #this 1 $x $y $obj
- else
- changeimage #this 1 $x $y surprise
- endif
- changegad #this 2 $x $y 40 50 ""
- setgad #this 1/2 show
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- xtimer repeat 0:0:1 off
- gosub #this timer
- gadid 10
- xroutine timer
- if $time = 0
- gosub #this game_over
- delay 300
- gosub #this clear_title
- delay 50
- gosub #this show_title
- delay 25
- setpointer #this #rmb
- else
- --time
- gosub #this newpos
- update #this 99 "HiScore: $hiscore - Score: $score - Time: $time secs"
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- endif
- xtextbox -1 240 320 16 "" ""
- attr tbstyle 14/42/shadow/center
- attr tbox 2/1/-1/none
- gadfont times.font 13 000
- gadid 99
- xtextbox -1 -1 320 44 "" ""
- attr tbstyle 44/47/shadow/center
- attr tbox 2/1/-1/none
- gadfont adel.font 32 000
- gadid 100
- xtextbox -1 150 320 22 "" ""
- attr tbstyle 32/20/outline/center
- attr tbox 2/1/-1/none
- gadfont baselcb.font 16 000
- gadid 101
- xroutine show_title
- run = 0
- game = 0
- quit = 0
- delay 20
- update #this 100 "KILL_EM!!!"
- playsound explosion
- delay 40
- update #this 101 "Press <RMB> to start!"
- playsound explosion
- delay 40
- setgad #this 99 show
- update #this 99 "©2001/2002 by Nightshade (thenightshade@freenet.de)"
- playsound explosion
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- xroutine clear_title
- if $game = 1
- setgad #this 99 hide
- elseif $game = 0
- update #this 99 ""
- endif
- update #this 100 ""
- update #this 101 ""
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- xroutine game_over
- setgad #this 10 off
- setgad #this 99 hide
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- if $score > $hiscore
- hiscore = $score
- endif
- setpointer #this hide
- playsound evillaugh
- update #this 100 "GAME OVER!"
- update #this 101 "Your Score: $score"
- setgad #this 1/2 hide
- setgad #this 100/101 show
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- xonkey p
- if $run = 1
- if $game = 1
- playsound explosion
- setgad #this 10 off
- setgad #this 99 hide
- gosub #this clear_title
- setgad #this 100/101 show
- update #this 100 "GAME PAUSED!"
- update #this 101 "Press <P> again!"
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- game = 0
- else
- setgad #this 100/101 hide
- setgad #this 99 show
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- setgad #this 10 on
- game = 1
- endif
- endif
- xonkey q
- if $game = 0
- and $time = 0
- and $quit = 0
- playsound explosion
- setpointer #this hide
- update #this 100 ""
- update #this 101 ""
- update #this 99 "Really quit? (y/n)"
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- quit = 1
- elseif $game = 1
- time = 0
- gosub #this timer
- endif
- xonkey n
- if $quit = 1
- and $game = 0
- update #this 99 ""
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- gosub #this show_title
- setpointer #this #rmb
- quit = 0
- endif
- xonkey y
- if $quit = 1
- and $game = 0
- gosub #this clear_title
- setpointer #this hide
- playsound explosion
- update #this 100 "THE END!!!"
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- delay 40
- playsound explosion
- update #this 101 "Good bye..."
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- delay 40
- playsound explosion
- if $hiscore > 0
- update #this 99 "Your HiScore: $hiscore"
- else
- update #this 99 "See you later!!!"
- endif
- partredraw #this 0 0 0 0
- delay 200
- playsound scream
- guiclose #this
- endif